Customer sales to USA, UK, Norway, Hungary, Canada, Brazil, South Korea, Australia, Germany and throughout the world with very positive response from all.
Customer comments:
"IT'S NOT GOING BACK! Great product and nice to deal with you" (USA)
"Superb design. Particularly impressed with the ease of dynamic range" (USA)
"I have had one of your bassoon crooks for a few months now and was immediately rather taken with it. I was particularly surprised with how open it makes the instrument feel when playing the traditional troublesome ranges. Particularly improved on my instrument are the F# and G just above the break. Top register tuning and response has been improved too - and the bottom octave just seems more vibrant, not that that was a weak area on my bassoon in the first place." (UK)
"Thanks David. It arrived this morning. I have tried it and it is very nice piece of work - most impressed" (UK)
"The whole deal was excellent; the product also; attentive service. Thanks" (Brazil)
"A pristine transaction and a phenomenal item" (Norway)
"I have just played the 'Rite' on your crook - it went a dream!" (UK)
"The crook arrived this morning - amazing service! I like the shape, through I might at some point ask you for something even flatter in shape - I can send you a side-by-side to show you what I'm playing just now.
Your crook has a lovely, creamy sound, but with plenty of punch and a super dynamic range. It's also very pretty (which is important, of course, showing the care taken in its manufacture!) I'm mightily impressed and can't wait to play it some good company to get what I'm sure will be positive reactions (Tchaik 5th in 10 days' time). Many thanks again for an outstanding service" (UK)
I received the bocal you made especially for me and here are my first impressions:
I'm keeping it!!!
It passed (with flying colors) my one major pass-fail test of a bocal; it played the tenor 'f' in tune; most other bocals are quite flat on that note.
The high register screams! I love it.
It feels like the bocal works the way it's supposed to (rather than it having a particular, idiosyncratic 'quality').
The pitch is really good. I asked for the pitch of a Heckel #0 and that's what I got.
The bocal has a very clear articulation in all registers and there is more clarity in each note when playing fast passages.
When I played left-hand-only fingerings and ran my right-hand fingers over the bocal, the vibration felt evenly distributed throughout the bocal. My Heckel bocal, on the other hand, seemed to be inconsistent in this regard.
Some of my warmups are composed of juxtaposing 'long' and 'short' fingerings for the same notes. I found your bocal to have more consistent pitch between the long and short fingerings, compared to my Heckel bocal.
I have an orchestral rehearsal this evening. I'll be playing on it. As expected, there will be a bit of tweaking of reeds, over time, to accommodate the new bocal. I'm excited about letting some of my colleagues try it.
Thank you your your innovation! (Bill Hunker USA)
There is a guaranteed money back agreement with every Nissen Bassoon Crook sold on return in undamaged condition within two weeks of purchase. Please note the returned package must be marked - NO VALUE on customs documentation.
Note: David Nissen is a professional Bassoon player with over 40 years experience.
To order a Nissen Bassoon Crook click on tab above